The Accademia del Mediterraneo and Maison de la Méditerranée (AdM & MdM) is intended to be a process of enhancement, exploiting to the full the cultural, scientific, social and economic-financial resources of the multiform and complex network of institutions brought into being by the dynamism of the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo - Onlus .

The fundamental asset consists in the opportunity for  relations and exchanges covering, to a greater or lesser degree, all the countries of the Euromediterranean region, set up over the last decade thanks to the formal adhesion of:


·               Outstanding personalities active in politics, including serving heads of state;

·               Representatives of Euromediterranean culture in its manfold expressions, and in particular members of academe (including the leading figures in National Academies) historians, writers, opinion leaders well-known in their own country and worldwide, Nobel prize winners;

·               Governments in office in Regions, Province and Cities (headed by Seville), including some of the major metropolises around the Mediterranean;

·               Over 200 Cultural and Research Institutions active in social, civil and religious fields;

·               168 Universities, including some of the oldest and most prestigious in Europe (headed by the University of Bologna);


In all 561 institutions and organisms are involved, belonging to 33 Euromediterranean countries. They can be contacted via the IT infrastructures and the initiatives undertaken by the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, creating an active partnership working on concrete projects for transforming the Euromediterranean scenario. This partnership will take shape through the Action Plans dscribed above.


The proposal to become associates has been widely taken up not only in the partner countries throughout the Mediterranean but also in communities in Southern Europe and in Southern Italy in particular. The proposal formulated by AdM & MdM has so far seen the adhesion of 186 local and regional European institutions, while 97 Italian comunes have stated they wish to set up topical venues. In the Regione Campania alone, 80 comunes have adhered to the network: 49 want to set up a topical bureau and 31 others have drawn up specific projects with a Euromediterranean slant to be implemented using the network of solidarity set up by the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo for AdM & MdM.


As can be seen from the contents and the adhesions of institutions, the network is strategic for setting up and developing Euromediterranean partnership. Each of these institutions constitutes a potential relational circuit, able to call on politicians, officials and experts, in order to identify, coordinate and programme development plans of general interest. This will enable all the partners in the various countries to be protagonists, guaranteeing a role in the  decision-making and direction of the process, as recommended by the Conference of Valencia.


In conclusion, the methodology of associates in Europartnership proposed by AdM & MdM draws heavily on the idea of “factual democracy”: recognising (and not contrasting) the right to empower each member endowed with dynamic potential, and assisting the need the  of promoting the creation, within the network itself, of other institutions of reference. In turn these will be able to proceed autonomously to adopt cultural and institutional initiatives which can be recycled in the  comprehensive circuit of AdM & MdM to augment the operative and financial resources of the enterprises and extend the circuits of enhancement and application.


Thus proposals can be both “top-down” (originating with the network’s central organs) and “bottom-up” (originating on the initiative of members or sectorial groupings). The propagation of the effects is self-generating, because the results of any initiative can be used free of charge (capitalised) by one or more operators for further projects, the benefits of which are fed back, thanks to the network of enhancement, so as to benefit the instigators of the cycle. Thus external financing of just one initiative in the context of the network of relationships produces multiple benefits of enhancement: this is the “invisible hand” which regulates the processes of expansion of exchanges connected with partnerships in which the moral component is predominant.